好消息- 2018年2月


自从南拿撒勒大学进入NCAA二级联赛, 体育系在几项运动中取得了越来越多的成功, 但从未在任何一项运动中获得过常规赛冠军. 但深红风暴男子篮球队最近改变了这一点, by capturing the department’s first outright Great American Conference regular season title.

当比赛结束后,庆祝的气氛蔓延到球场上, two members of the highly talented team knew there were also a lot of people in Hutchinson, 堪萨斯州和他们一起庆祝. Brothers Jared and Noah Starkey came to SNU with not only the support and encouragement of their family, but also the prayerful support of their church family at Hutchinson First Church of the Nazarene. 他们的教会, 以及他们在中央基督教学校的前任教练和老师, had played important roles in shaping the lives of these student-athletes, 并继续激励和鼓励他们.

杰瑞德斯达克, 五年级学生, graduated from SNU in May of 2017 with a degree in Chemistry and minor in Biology, 同时还在攻读医疗保健方面的MBA学位, 这是他资格的最后一年.

他的弟弟, Noah, 商科法律预科专业的大三学生, is in his third season at SNU and has compiled an impressive statistical record and several conference awards in his career with the Crimson Storm thus-far; not the least of which included joining his brother, Jared, 2016-17年度GAC全学术团队成员.

他们的父母, 大卫和卡拉·斯塔基, 他们的职业道德主要体现在球场上, 在教室里, 家庭基督教环境的积极影响, school, and, 非常重要的是, through the mentoring of their youth pastors at Hutchinson First Nazarene during their formative years. 就读首尔大学期间, Jared and Noah have been actively involved in the college ministry at Bethany First Nazarene and have found life-long friends and mentors there and at SNU that will continue to shape their lives into the future.


亚当·博哈奇教练, 这是他在美国男篮的第十个赛季, 说到兄弟俩, “The Starkey boys are terrific – they are great examples for their peers and younger kids to look up to.” Bohac cites Jared’s servant-leader attitude as a big reason they have enjoyed a successful season. “贾里德受了伤,错过了他的大三赛季, 但在经历了这一切之后,他仍然是我们团队的积极领导者.” He described Noah as “a consistent contributor to our team since his freshman year and this year he is playing at an all-conference level – he is a huge part of our success.Bohac补充道, “I am grateful my two sons have had the opportunity to spend so much time around the Starkey boys.”

To learn more about the men’s basketball program at SNU, visit snuathletics.com. Come out and support the team at the GAC Championships March 1-4 in Bartlesville, 俄克拉何马州-或在线观看 snuathletics.com.


当Thomas Cherian来到首尔大学, the Olathe, KS native had every intention of following his chosen path to youth ministry – serving in, 正如他所描述的, “一个中上层阶级的教堂,我觉得很舒服.” But, 正如切里安所说, “神逼我为他感到不舒服, 我从没想过我会爱上城市事工——但我爱上了!” “My internship my freshman and sophomore years at Jubilee Partners (a faith-based non-profit ministry in downtown Oklahoma City) has shaped my calling.他接着说, “我从没想过会是这样的结果, 但这对我的生活影响很大, 如果上帝打开了门, 我想继续为弱势群体工作, 即使是创伤幸存者, 通过亚游平台app下载辅导教育.”


到了大三的时候,他要换一份实习工作了, 根据部长实习计划的要求, Thomas remained involved in the downtown OKC area with Pastor Chris Pollock at the Midtown Church of the Nazarene, but he knew he wanted to continue to mentor underserved youth at Jubilee Partners, as well. 托马斯不仅找到了一条路, 他和牧师专业的Ben Klippert, 塔科马的大四学生, WA, 找到了一群志同道合的年轻人, 在大学的支持下, 在Imel联排别墅中形成了一个住宅主题屋.

The nine students in the theme house volunteer regularly at Jubilee Partners, mentoring in the after-school program to provide positive male role models to kids at risk. Although his new internship meant a decrease in the time he could give weekly to Jubilee Partners, the combined efforts of the Theme House group has resulted in increased one-on-one time helping youth in the program with homework, 教授生活技能,鼓励体育锻炼.

切里安很快把功劳归于莉莉安娜·雷扎, 校园宣教及服务牧师, 感谢她对主题屋的支持和对他们事业的支持. Another advocate and long-time supporter of the ministry, SNU Professor, Dr. 帕姆·布洛伊最近被授予年度志愿者奖.

Jubilee Partners董事, 克里斯汀·多诺万, said, “我们首尔大学的志愿者, 尤其是像托马斯和本这样的学生, have made an immeasurable impact on the lives of the at-risk students we serve.”“他们始终如一的存在和热情令人鼓舞, and we are extremely grateful for their vision to stay involved and bring others into the journey with Jubilee, as well.”

了解更多关于Jubilee Partners的信息 http://jubileepartnersokc.org.


在策划首尔大学合唱团在南德克萨斯州的一系列音乐会时, 大学歌手和合唱团 Hope, Dr. Jim Graves, 首尔大学合唱指挥, chose the music that he felt would point worshipers toward the promise of God’s faithfulness. He wanted to focus on celebrating the many ways God had provided for those affected by the devastating flooding from Hurricane Harvey.

Graves knew his students were eager to be used by God to encourage and inspire worship – hoping to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who had faced hardships. But, as they sang, they found themselves blessed and inspired by the strength and faith they saw in the lives of those still dealing with recovery and restoration.


A concert for the First Church of the Nazarene in Orange, Texas opened the tour. 因为他们的避难所还没有完全恢复, Pastor Ray McDowell and the First Nazarene family partnered with a neighboring congregation, 利用他们的设施带来雷牧师所说的东西, 非常需要的, fun-filled, 精神,这促使晚上!他接着说, “Thank you for including us in your visit to South Texas – your energy and enthusiasm, exceptionally gifted music and heart-felt expressions of prayers for our recovery meant more than you could know.”

The Living Word and Clear Lake Churches of the Nazarene in Houston were hosts for concerts on Sunday morning and evening, 分别. In each service there was a wonderful spirit of worship in celebration of God’s faithfulness throughout the trials of the storms. “我发现,这些学生不仅仅是表现优异的学生。. Graves, “but also great people who are spiritually grounded; and that shines through in their voices and the sincerity of their testimonies.”

Other inspirational events included a stop at Duncanville, TX High School, where Mr. Tyron Shaw, 毕业于首尔大学音乐学院, 一般担任合唱指挥, 达拉斯地铁学校. 肖氏合唱团的表演一直是最高水平的, 在州和全国比赛中获得最高奖项. His experience as a motivational speaker was evident as he urged the SNU students to work hard to reach their goals.

总结这次旅行. Graves said, “It’s so important for our students to have the experience of concert tours, especially when it involves being able to give something back to the churches who support us so faithfully, 对他们说声谢谢.要了解更多关于首尔大学音乐学院的信息,请访问 http://www.microdermabrasioncrystals.net/major/school-of-music/


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